An Assignment of Authorization application must be filed with the FCC when a license is assigned to another party. An Assignment of Authorization involves a complete transfer of controlling interest in ownership in the license and generally involves the changing of the Licensee name. Refer to the applicable FCC rules for definitions of controlling interest and ownership.
The assignor may apply for authorization to assign all of the facilities of a station/call sign or market (known as a Full Assignment), to assign just a portion of the facilities of a station/call sign (known as a Partial Assignment), or to assign just a portion of the market (known as a Partition and/or Disaggregation Assignment). A separate application filing is required when there is a mixture of Full Assignments, Partial Assignments and Partition/Disaggregation Assignments.
In the case of an involuntary assignment of authorization, the assignor must apply no later than 30 days after the event causing the assignment. Note that this application must be signed by both the assignor and assignee. In addition, if required by Commission's Rules, the assignee must file Ownership Disclosure information, either online in ULS or manually using the FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Ownership Form, FCC Form 602, unless current and up-to-date ownership information is already on file at the FCC.
A Transfer of Control application must be filed with the FCC when the transfer of controlling interest in the ownership of a licensee entity to another party or parties occurs. A Transfer of Control involves a transfer of controlling interest in ownership but generally does not involve the changing of the Licensee name. Refer to the applicable FCC rules for definitions of controlling interest and ownership.
In addition, if required by Commission's Rules, the transferee must file Ownership Disclosure information, either online in ULS or manually, using the FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Ownership Form, FCC Form 602, unless current and up-to-date ownership information is already on file at the FCC.
Assignments of Authorization and Transfers of Control can be filed either as pro forma applications or non-pro forma applications.
A pro forma assignment or transfer is one in which the form of ownership changes but actual control of the license remains with the same entity. Pro forma assignments and transfers may be approved under streamlined Forbearance procedures in the case of most telecommunications carriers (excluding licensees with installment payment or designated entity issues). These pro forma requests do not require prior FCC approval provided that the parties notify the FCC of the change within 30 days. Note that private licenses are not subject to forbearance. FCC approval is required for private pro forma transfers and assignments.
A non-pro forma assignment of license or transfer of control is one in which actual control of the license changes from the licensee to an unaffiliated entity. Non-pro forma assignments and transfers require prior Commission approval.
The order of the filing steps and the number of parties involved in filing an application in the Universal Licensing System (ULS) vary depending on whether the application is pro forma or non-pro forma. To find out more about the steps and the parties involved for filing these two types of Assignments of Authorization and Transfers of Control in ULS, click on the Help topic Assign Authorization/Transfer Control, in the left-hand navigation menu.
Assignments of authorization and transfers of control must be consummated within 180 days of public notice of FCC approval, unless the FCC grants an extension of time to complete a specific transaction. The assignor (for an Assignment of Authorization) or the transferor (for a Transfer of Control) may request that the FCC grant an extension of time to complete the transaction online through ULS, from the My License page. The assignor (for an Assignment of Authorization) or the transferor (for a Transfer of Control) may request an extension of time manually, if allowed by Commission's Rules, by filing a paper Application for Assignments of Authorization and Transfers of Control, FCC Form 603 Main Form, and the Schedule for Request for Extension of Time to Consummate an Assignment of Authorization or a Transfer of Control, FCC Form 603, Schedule E.
If an assignment of authorization or transfer of control is not consummated within 180 days of public notice of FCC approval, or within the time allowed under an extension, the FCC approval of that transaction is no longer valid.
Upon consummation of any assignment of authorization, the assignee must notify the FCC of the date of consummation. Upon consummation of any transfer of control, the transferee must notify the FCC of the date of consummation. The assignee or transferee may notify the FCC that the transaction has been consummated online through ULS, from the My License page. The assignee or transferee may notify the FCC manually, if allowed by Commission's Rules, by filing a paper Application for Assignments of Authorization and Transfers of Control, FCC Form 603 Main Form, and the Schedule for Notification of Consummation of an Assignment of Authorization or a Transfer of Control, FCC Form 603, Schedule D.
If the parties do not wish to consummate the transaction, the assignor (for an Assignment of Authorization) or the transferor (for a Transfer of Control) may submit a Withdrawal application to withdraw a previously filed, currently pending or consented to application. The assignor or transferor may withdrawal the application online through ULS, from the My Applications page. The assignor or transferor may notify the FCC manually, if allowed by Commission's Rules, by filing a paper Application for Assignments of Authorization and Transfers of Control, FCC Form 603 Main Form only and selecting application purpose of withdrawal.