How to write a cover letter

Cover letters are a place for you to tell your story outside of strictly formatted documents or question-and-answers that might be part of an application. They serve as a writing sample, giving a clear example of your written communication skills. You absolutely need a unique cover letter for every application, rather than just changing the name of the position you’re applying to.

What's included in a cover letter?

The goal of a cover letter is to convince the reader that you are genuinely interested in a specific position at a specific organization and highlight that you (due to your most relevant skills/experiences) are a good fit for the position, the organization and the industry.

Your cover letter should provide insight into how you are uniquely suited for the position. Read the job description a few times—what skills are being highlighted?

Use a formal letter format. Include your address, the date, the contact’s name and address. Whenever possible, address the letter to a (relevant) specific person. If not known, a phrase like “Hiring Manager” is acceptable.

Cover letters are typically three short paragraphs:

What are some other tips for cover letters?

Cover letters should most often be a single, one-sided page. Keep it short and to the point! It’s ok if your first draft is longer. Editing it down from a longer draft helps you keep the best bits, making a stronger letter overall.

If you're not sure what a good cover should look like, research examples from reputable sources. There are hundreds of resources from job-finding websites to university career services that can help you find examples of good cover letters.

Another tip is to put the cover letter down for a few weeks, then pick it up and pretend you’re the hiring manager. Would you hire the letter writer? As with everything, get as many people (roommate, college career counselors, your undergraduate advisor) to review your documents and give their insight. Is it well-written? Would they hire you? Does it sound like you?

A few don’ts for cover letter writing