Dry skin

Author: Hon A/Prof Amanda Oakley, Dermatologist, Hamilton, New Zealand, 1997. Update: March 2022.

What is dry skin?

Dry skin that begins later may be seen in people with certain diseases and conditions, such as:

People exposed to a dry environment may experience dry skin, for example:

What causes dry skin?

The inherited forms of ichthyosis are due to loss of function genes (listed in parentheses below):

Acquired ichthyosis may be due to:

What are the clinical features of dry skin?


Close-up of ichthyosis

Close-up of ichthyosis

Dermatitis from dry skin

Complications of dry skin

Dry areas of skin may become itchy, indicating a form of eczema/dermatitis has developed, such as:

When the skin of an older person is dry and itchy without a visible rash , it is sometimes called winter itch, 7th age itch, senile pruritus or chronic pruritus of the elderly.

Other complications may include:

How is the type of dry skin diagnosed?

The type of dry skin is diagnosed by careful history and examination.

What is the treatment for dry skin?

When considering which emollient is most suitable, consider:

How can dry skin be prevented?